【𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬・𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬】
A beer glass is more than just a vessel that holds your beer. Different shapes and forms are designed to bring out the unique flavors, colors and aroma of the beer. The type of glass you use has the ability to make or break your overall drinking experience.
Take Cigar City’s Goblet as an example. A beer goblet features thick stems and large bowls, making it perfect for beers with high alcohol content. The shape of this glass actually resembles a snifter - its tapered lip can better capture aromas, the stem of the glass can be pinched to swirl beers, its wide bowl gives room to swirl and agitate volatiles.
The stem of the glass is useful for controlling the temperature of the beer in two ways. You can reduce the heat transfer from your hand to the glass and maintain a cooler temperature for your beer by pinching the stem of the glass. On the other hand, the short stem makes it easier for you to use your palm to slightly warm the beer to activate more aromas. This design gives you the flexibility you need for tasting beers in different temperatures!
This goblet is perfect for big and aromatic beers like Belgian Trappist beers, Barleywines and Imperial Stouts - it is an elegant tasting glass that’s perfect for your bottle share!
Check out our online shop and pick your favorite glassware!
啤酒杯唔單止係裝酒咁簡單,唔同形狀、設計嘅杯都可以幫助增強啤酒嘅顏色、芳香同味道。以Cigar City呢隻酒杯為例,佢屬於「聖杯」(Goblet) 類型——杯口大、杯身淺、底部闊,呢個杯嘅設計同「聞香杯」(Snifter)有啲類似,大肚收口嘅設計可以匯集啤酒嘅香氣、搖晃酒杯嘅時候啤酒會冇咁容易濺出。粗腳設計除咗可以方便我哋搖晃酒杯、幫助釋放更多酒香,亦都可以幫助控制啤酒溫度。佢可以避免我哋手嘅熱力傳遞到啤酒,令啤酒保持冰凍;但如果想啤酒快啲變暖,設計亦都方便我哋將掌心嘅熱力傳至杯內,幫助啤酒散發更多味道——咁就方便我哋體驗啤酒喺不同溫度下嘅風味啦!
呢隻杯最適合用嚟飲酒精度較高、味道較複雜嘅啤酒例如比利時修道院啤酒(Belgian Trappist Beers)、大麥酒(Barleywines)、帝國世濤(Imperial Stouts)——佢係名副其實嘅嗒嗒嗒酒杯!